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System PIT współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego oraz budżetu państwa w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Polska Cyfrowa na lata 2014-2020

  • FAQ

    There are many service catalogues available at PUE. One service catalogue contains at least one service covering an application or a form. The service catalogue includes thematically grouped applications and forms.

    The word form and the word application are often interchangeable, and sometimes appear together in the name of a single service. However, special reporting forms have been developed for telecommunications and postal undertakings. These are divided into different parts and sections consisting of numerous fields. The fields are to be filled out with detailed information on a given entity’s activity.

    Yes, you can. The Electronic Services Platform is the only way to communicate with the Office in order to meet the obligations arising from Article 7 of the Telecommunications Act.

    Some services are only for consumers and some are only for entrepreneurs or institutions. But certain services are available for both. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the type of form to be filled out and the given context.
    Some fields may not be edited in the form, they should be filled out in the user profile.

    An entity account is an account linked to an account of a natural person. It is a separate account from which applications and forms can and should be submitted to the Office. However, it may not exist without an account of a natural person.
    An entity account will be available in two cases:

    1. when a person opens an account for an entity and becomes its administrator;
    2. when an administrator assigns a natural person as its entity’s representative.

    Upon logging in to the system, the user expands the “Twoje konto” (“Your account”) tab. The first item concerns a natural person. The subsequent items are optional and depending on whether the user has applied for creating an entity account or has become a representative of a given entity, they will see the name(s) of the entity or entities. To change the context, the user should click on the name of the entity or on his/her name and surname. The arrowheads pointing inwards mark the current context.

    First, the user should log in to PUE (as a natural person). On the main page, in the expanded “Twoje konto” (“Your account”) tab, the user selects “Profil użytkownika” (“User profile”). Next, the user enters the “Podmioty użytkownika” (“User entities”) tab and clicks “dodaj podmiot” (“add an entity”). The user enters the information necessary to create an entity and confirms it by signing it using their Trusted Profile.
    When all steps are completed, an entity account will be created and the user will receive a relevant information by e-mail.

    Yes, a single user may have several entity accounts. An entity administrator may add accounts in the “Podmioty użytkownika” (“User entities”) tab by clicking the “dodaj podmiot” (“add an entity”) option.

    Yes. Every natural person can open an account on PUE. They need only to click the “Zarejestruj” (“Register”) tab on the PUE main page. The user will be asked to provide their e-mail address and after confirmation they will automatically move to the Trusted Profile website administered by the Ministry of Digital Affairs. This is where they can open their PUE account as they confirm the registration by logging in to the Trusted Profile and signing with their trusted signature. A user who has not opened an account on the Trusted Profile may open such an account via electronic banking (this will only take a few minutes) or by clicking the “Zarejestruj się” (“Register”) button (within 14 days the user must personally visit an authentication point such as a tax office to confirm their personal information). When the authentication is completed, the user account is created on ePUAP, where they can run hundreds of errands in different public institutions, including PUE, without ever leaving the house or work.

    In order to grant authorisations, the account Administrator must add a representative to the entity. A representative is the administrator themselves or a person authorised to represent the entity.

    In the case of a telecommunications undertaking entered on the RPT as a civil law partnership, all partners should submit reports of identical content, but each of them should do so in their own name, i.e. from their own entity account created for the economic activity (their own name, NIP number, etc.). In other words, each civil law partner should have a separate entity account, in this case a civil law partner account.
    In order to create an entity account, in the “Profil użytkownika” (“User profile”) tab go to “Podmioty użytkownika” (“User entities”) and add an entity, indicating:

    1. Short name – a short name of the civil law partner (required);
    2. Full name – the name of the civil law partner (required);
    3. NIP – the NIP number of the civil law partner (required);
    4. RPT no. – the RPT number of the civil law partnership (recommended);
    5. Legal status – the type of economic activity of a natural person – the civil law partner (recommended).

    The form/s should be filled out in the context of a specific entity, i.e. partner under the civil law partnership. When filling out the F00 form, select “civil law partnership” in the 0.01.4 field for legal status, and in the next field that will appear, i.e. 0.01.6, enter the civil law partnership’s NIP. The forms used by each partner under the civil law partnership should feature the same figures across the entire civil law partnership, such as revenue, number of users, telecommunications activity carried out.

    An entrepreneur who is a civil law partner entered on the RPT as a natural person carrying out economic activity should submit a report featuring data on the entire civil law partnership, such as revenue, number of users, telecommunications activity carried out. This means that the forms used by each civil law partner, regardless of shares held, should contain the same data across the entire civil law partnership. The form/s should be filled out in the context of a specific entity, i.e. partner under the civil law partnership. When filling out the F00 form, select “civil law partnership” in field 0.01.4 for legal status, and in the field that will appear next, i.e. 0.01.6, enter the civil law partnership’s NIP.

    An entrepreneur operating a telecommunications undertaking, as both a civil law partner, as well as a natural person operating a business, should submit two separate reports on their telecommunications activity. One report as a civil law partner (RPT and NIP of the civil law partnership) and another as a natural person operating a business (RPT and NIP of their entity).

    Yes. The Electronic Services Platform was designed and constructed to meet the requirements specified in the standard WCAG 2.0.

    The process of logging in to the PUE system takes place through the Trusted Profile (PZ), which is administered by the Ministry of Digital Affairs. That is why passwords are not stored in the PUE system, which consequently cannot change or restore them upon the user’s request. To retrieve a login and/or password, a PUE user should resort to the tools available on the website, which is administered by the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MC).

    If the user is experiencing a problem with logging in, or other issues related to the Trusted Profile, they should contact the Centre for Information Technology, the authority tasked with operating the Trusted Profile.
    Telephone: +48 22 253 54 50
    E-mail address:

    Telecommunications activity of foreign entrepreneurs who have been entered in the Register of Telecommunications Undertakings is subject to the same rights and obligations as the telecommunications activity of Polish entrepreneurs. This also applies to the reporting obligation following from Article 7 of the Telecommunications Act.
    A foreign entrepreneur can effectively carry out their reporting obligation following from Article 7 of the Telecommunications Act through a representative of their entity, who holds a Polish PESEL number.
    To this end, the entity’s representative will create an account on the PUE platform and submit the report on behalf of the entrepreneur. If they are a person with authorisation to represent the entrepreneur unaided, their signature will be sufficient for considering the report effectively submitted. If they do not hold such an authorisation, they will be obliged to present a power of attorney. The power of attorney may be signed with a qualified signature(s) of the person(s) with authorisation to represent the entity pursuant to the National Court Register/Central Registration and Information on Business and attached to the PUE report. Another option is to send a paper version of the power of attorney to the UKE’s address.

    Filling out the F00 form (e.g. telephone/address information, contact person from UKE) with information that differs from information provided in the application to submit/alter an entry to the Register of Telecommunications Undertakings is not equivalent to making said changes in the Register of Telecommunications Undertakings. Any changes related to the entrepreneur, particularly changing the company’s name, legal form, registered office address, correspondence address, person(s) with authorisation to contact UKE, should each time be reported by sending UKE an “Application to submit/alter an entry to the Register of Telecommunications Undertakings”.

    The “Save and continue” button appears only when the form was correctly filled in, i.e. when all the required fields have been filled in.

    If the form is being filled in from within the entity context, the user has to be the entity’s representative (see the instructions on how to change the operation context  and how to add a representative). Only the entity’s representative is authorised to submit a letter on its behalf.

    Pursuant to § 21(1) of the Terms of use of the Electronic Services Platform and Information Point on Telecommunications, it is prohibited to use the accounts of other users and to share your account with other users.

    Pursuant to Section 2c of Annex 1 and Section 2c of Annex 2 to the Ordinance of the Minister of Digital Affairs of 10 September 2018 on trusted profile and trusted signature (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1760), the trusted profile account shall not be made available to third parties.