Extension of the deadline resulting from the obligation referred to in Article 29c(1) of the Act on supporting the development of telecommunications services and networks - Information Point on Telecommunications

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System PIT współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego oraz budżetu państwa w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Polska Cyfrowa na lata 2014-2020

Menu extension of the deadline resulting from the obligation referred to in article 29c(1) of the act on supporting the development of telecommunications services and networks

Extension of the deadline resulting from the obligation referred to in Article 29c(1) of the Act on supporting the development of telecommunications services and networks

In light of the ongoing coronavirus epidemic and the resulting difficulties related, among other things, to fulfilling the reporting obligations set out in the Act – Telecommunications Law and the Act on supporting the development of telecommunications services and networks, legal solutions have been introduced to waive sanctions in the event of failing to meet the above obligations within the statutory deadline, that is by 31 March this year.

Pursuant to Article 81(1) of the Act of 16 April 2020 on special support instruments in connection with the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Journal of Laws [Dz. U.], item 695), the President of the Office of Electronic Communications will not initiate proceedings to issue a decision imposing a financial penalty if the entity obliged to comply with the obligation to transfer data, i.a., to the Information Point on Telecommunications, under the obligation referred to in Article 29c(1) of the Act on supporting the development of telecommunications services and networks, provides, completes or corrects the information provided earlier by April 30, 2020, in the case it is incomplete or incorrect.  


Subject: Office of Electronic Communications
Author: Justyna Nakrajnik
Publisher: Justyna Nakrajnik
Publication date: 12.08.20 13:58
Update date: 12.08.20 14:21