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System PIT współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego oraz budżetu państwa w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Polska Cyfrowa na lata 2014-2020

  • Instructions

    Map Portal operating manual (the manual is available in Polish version only).

    Instruction for entering data on rates for occupying traffic lanes (the manual is available in Polish version only).

    One of the methods for transferring data on the existing and planned technical infrastructure is to import data to the PIT System from files, including text files prepared in CSV (Comma - Separated Values) format.

    A CSV file is a text file text file that uses a comma (‘,’) to separate values. A single line in the file is a data record. Each record consists of one or more fields separated by commas. The first line is the line that defines field names.

    This item allows you to download CSV file templates to create CSV files enabling transfer of information to the PIT System for its different layers, respectively:


    CSV file


    Technical infrastructure and service ducts – point


    position recorded in two fields X and Y (for rectangular or geographical coordinates)


    position recorded in one field as the so-called WKT (Well-Known Text) – pair of coordinates separated by space

    Technical infrastructure and service ducts – linear


    route described in one field as the so-called WKT – sequence of coordinate pairs separated by space, coordinate pairs separated by comma

    Technical infrastructure and service ducts – surface


    border described in one field as the so-called WKT – sequence of coordinate pairs separated by space, coordinate pairs separated by comma

    Investment plans – point infrastructure


    position recorded in two fields X and Y (for rectangular or geographical coordinates)


    position recorded in one field as the so-called WKT – pair of coordinates separated by space

    Investment plans – linear infrastructure


    route described in one field as the so-called WKT – sequence of coordinate pairs separated by space, coordinate pairs separated by comma

    Investment plans – surface infrastructure


    border described in one field as the so-called WKT – sequence of coordinate pairs separated by space, coordinate pairs separated by comma


    In CSV files containing point objects, geometry may be recorded in two columns X and Y (‘West – East’ and ‘South – North’ coordinates or longitude and latitude, respectively).

    Depending on the type of geometry, the following WKT field record is used:

    - "POINT(611317.63 471914.57)"

    - "LINESTRING(784246.21 703087.26,784245.45 702988.63)"

    - "POLYGON((702310.18 615992.73,702041.62 615904.23,702078.24 615733.34,702349.85 615888.97,702386.47 616053.77,702310.18 615992.73))"

    Rectangular coordinates should be provided up to two decimal places, geographical coordinates should be provided up than five decimal places.

    It is important that the CSV file contains objects with one type of geometry – the PIT System makes it impossible to load files containing points, lines, polygons at the same time. It is also important to remember to use quotation marks.

    In order to shorten the texts that are attributes (descriptive features of objects), it is possible to provide their values not in the full text taken from the ordinance document, but replace them with short one- to three-character codes from the attached Excel file (Kody_atrybutow.xlsx). When encoding attributes for objects belonging to a specific category (fields “z_1_ii_3” and “z_1_iii_3” in files: punkt_xy.csv, punkt_wkt.csv, linia.csv), only codes of object types belonging to this category can be provided in the fields “z_1_ii_4” and “z_1_iii_4”. Fields “z_1_ii_7” and “z_1_iii_7” shall only be completed for rows where “e” or “service duct” is entered in the category field.

    In the attached CSV files, their second rows are rows with exemplary fields for one object, after creating files entered into the PIT System on their basis, remember to delete these rows from the files entered into the PIT system.

    Instructions for entering CAD data (the manual is available in Polish version only).

    Manual for preparing data in CAD software (the manual is available in Polish version only).